The original Paradise Junior High School, while largely surviving the Camp Fire in November 2018, is the sole middle school for the communities of Paradise and Magalia. Following the fire, the District determined through its revised master planning effort that Paradise Junior High School should receive a modernization to bring it on par with the other facility improvements at Paradise Ridge Elementary School and Paradise High School.

Studio W developed a comprehensive modernization program that includes a new entry, parking and drop-off with a revised administration layout that focuses on safety and security. All classrooms were modernized with new finishes, technology and furnishings. Old circulation spaces, since having been transitioned to outdoor circulation, were modernized into social and activity “hubs” between the classrooms to help facilitate group interaction and intervention. The site includes landscape and path of travel enhancements, while adding pickleball courts to the upper area, once housing portables that were destroyed by the fire.


Paradise Unified School District


30,291 SF


$14.6 million


Completed 2023


Paradise Jr. High Modernization Groundbreaking Ceremony

Paradise USD Phase 2 Contract Approvals

Paradise Elementary School

Paradise Ridge Elementary School

Lake Tahoe Unified School District