In the wake of the Camp Fire in November of 2018, Ridgeview High School, Paradise’s continuation high school and oldest standing school, had been completely compromised. As a result of the revised master plan developed by Studio W Architects, it was decided to reconstruct Ridgeview High School by relocating the facility to district-owned property across the street from Paradise High School. The facility is a stand-alone, single building, comprising multiple classrooms and administration which surrounds an open multipurpose facility in the center. The concept was that students would have an open “hub” to share space for food service and social activities central to the facility with a visual connection to all classrooms.
Fields and hard courts were developed to give the small campus its own amenities while the proximity and architectural vocabulary tie it into the fabric of neighboring Paradise High School and the community emerging from the fire. Construction began on the facility in 2021 and was completed in time for the 2022/2023 school year.