Pine Ridge School is one of two rural elementary school sites in Magalia that serve Paradise Unified School District. While relatively untouched by the Camp Fire in 2018, the District desired to modernize all sites, particularly as more residents moved to Magalia following the fire that devastated the neighboring Town of Paradise.
Pine Ridge is largely a permanent-built school facility, but like many older school facilities, lacked the modern conveniences, furniture and technology of contemporary campuses. In an effort to remove all non-permanent spaces on campus, the administration building will be stick-built and remaining spaces will be modernized to complete a holistic transformation of the campus. The first phase playground improvements were completed in 2020.
Pine Ridge Elementary School will be the first of the two Magalia schools to be modernized following the Camp Fire. Special arrangements are being made to house the students in the space currently occupied by Ridgeview High School, who will vacate following completion of their new high school campus. This will enable construction to occur at Pine Ridge while the campus is active.