Farallone View Elementary School is one of the elementary schools serving Cabrillo Unified School District in the beautiful Half Moon Bay area of California. The school, which dates back to the 1950’s and 1960’s, is experiencing declining enrollment, but remains one of the more active school sites in the community. As a result of a successful bond measure in 2020, Cabrillo USD decided to modernize this campus. Studio W started with a campus master plan that comprises three phases, in essence modernizing each of the three permanent structures and eventually eliminating all non-permanent facilities.

Phase 1 comprised of the modernization of Building A—the administration and primary grade classroom wing, as well as the parking and drop-off with a new entry feature. Focus was on site safety and security, as well as enhancements to both the interior and exterior to bring them up to modern standards. Phase 2 comprises the modernization of Building B—the multipurpose and upper grade classroom wing, as well as the central courtyard area. Focus is on enhancing food service and creating a connection between outdoor and indoor environments. And, finally, Phase 3 comprises the modernization of Building C—the learning resource and STEM facilities. Focus is on the ability for the STEM spaces to be connected to outdoor learning environments as well as completing the balance of the outdoor play, field and hardcourt spaces.


Cabrillo Unified School District


22,120 SF


$23.65 million (estimate)


Phase 1 - Completed Summer 2024
Phase 2 - In Progress (estimated completion Fall 2025)


Cabrillo USD Hires Studio W Architects

The Bayshore School

Lipman Middle School

Santa Teresa High School Classroom Building