The Waggoner Elementary School Modernization includes a new 5,880 square foot, four-classroom TK/Kindergarten classroom building and new playgrounds, which are integrated adjacent to the classroom building to create a safe and secure play area dedicated to this age group.

This renovation wi­ll upgrade the parking lot and parent drop-off area, allowing for safer and more efficient circulation. The campus will be encompassed by ornamental fencing and only accessible through gated entries. A priority of the project is to keep the existing trees and their established canopy over the campus, including the new outdoor learning courtyard. The hardcourts will also be resurfaced and striped.

Future phases will include modernization of the existing cafeteria and kitchen building, expansion of the parking lot and a new 7,490 square foot multipurpose building with an indoor/outdoor stage.


Winters Joint Unified School District


17,225 SF


$13 million


Phase 1 – August 2025

Winters High School PE & Music Building

Paradise Ridge Elementary School

Winters High School

Westmore Oaks School