In 2014, Studio W Architects assisted Winters Joint Unified School District in passing the Measure R Bond and developing a comprehensive District-wide Facilities Master Plan which included facilities needs assessments of the District’s five campuses.

In 2015, Studio W embarked on the implementation of the highest priority projects, including modernization of the middle school (completed in the Summer of 2016) and the development of the first phase of the high school modernization. Work at the high school campus includes a new 9,000 square foot CTE facility to house the culinary arts, sciences and technology classes. That facility, which began construction in the Summer of 2017, initiated the process of modernizing the entire high school. Additional projects at the site include a multi-phase replacement of classrooms, administration and athletic fields and the addition of a student union under multiple bond measures, including the passage of Measure W (2020), Measure P (2018) and Measure D (2016).


Winters Joint Unified School District


1,630 enrollment; 5 sites


$90.9 million


$71 million total over four bond measures (2014, 2016, 2018 & 2020)


Completed 2014


Construction Progress Update: Winters High School Phase 3 Modernization

Winters High School Administration Building Completion

Student Union Completion at Winters High School

Winters High School

Lake Tahoe Unified School District

Eureka Union School District

Winters Joint Unified School District