The Intramural Athletic Field Improvements project at California State University, Sacramento will provide relief for high-impact, high-use sports field facilities. Currently, the four-playfield site hosts the ROTC and kinesiology academic programs, athletics and intramural programs, sports clubs and campus leadership activities without proper lighting, thus reducing these popular programs to coordinate their schedules during daylight hours.

The highest priority in this improvement project is to properly light the fields for better facility usage. Additional scope includes synthetic turf field upgrades to two fields and natural turf upgrades to the remaining two fields, a new pavilion and beautifying/branding the area, as well as lighting/electrical infrastructure to soccer, softball, volleyball and tennis courts.

One challenge of this project is to have these constantly utilized facilities remain functional throughout construction. Our team has created a phased approach to construction to allow two fields to remain open at all times, thus eliminating the need for interim housing.


California State University, Sacramento


4.7 acres


$10 million


In Progress

Winters High School PE & Music Building

Chabot College Baseball Complex

CaƱada College Kinesiology & Wellness Center