The City of Stockton’s Victory Park Pool was originally constructed in 1948 in Central California, where it quickly became a staple for a community whose temperatures are often in excess of 100 degrees. When the facility shut down in 2013, disheartened residents encouraged the City to find a way to reopen this community staple. Since then, the City obtained partial funding for the renovation and replacement of the pool from the California Department of Parks & Recreation Proposition 68 (2018 Bond Act).
Studio W’s team has worked to preserve the integrity of existing facilities, including heritage trees, tennis courts, ponds, a fire station and access roads. The new facility will boast a pool, shade structures, parking lot, basketball court, bike racks, access path and aquatics building and integrated breezeway. Ticketing, pool equipment, lifeguard room, restrooms and the dedication plaques formerly housed in the previous facility will be featured in the new aquatics building.