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Sacramento, CA—Congratulations to Ian Bjorgum on his promotion to Job Captain! Ian is a dedicated professional that continues to prove himself by taking the initiative to support the architectural teams through project documentation development and on-site support as a construction administrator. In his new role as Job Captain, he is responsible for managing the planning and coordination of project assignments, including the selection of materials and systems, coordinating with sub-consultants and assisting with drawing review and development during the construction administration process.

Ian has now been with Studio W Architects for four years and has shown his exceptional talent in creating BIM/CAD models and producing high quality documents for educational, commercial and retail projects. A few of Ian’s notable projects include Cañada College Building 13 Multiple Program Instructional Center Modernization for San Mateo County Community College District, Sowers Middle School Reconstruction for Huntington Beach City School District and Stadium Concessions, Restrooms & Ticketing Facilities at Multiple High Schools for San Juan Unified School District, as well as several projects for Paradise Unified School District’s rebuilding program.