Tuesday, February 21, 2017 – Brian Whitmore, AIA, LEED AP, President of BCA Architects, moderated a workshop at the Coalition for Adequate School Housing’s (C.A.S.H.) 38th Annual Conference on School Facilities in Sacramento, CA. “Managing Risk vs. Reward – How to Balance Creative Design Vision with the Realities of Project Budgets, Schedules and Scope” examined ways that California school districts can take on “calculated” risk for the ultimate rewards of increased funding capacity, fostering community support, more efficient project delivery and innovative design strategies. Bayshore Elementary School District was used as a case study due to their recent process of selling surplus property to increase their funding capacity from $6 million to $30 million; closing one school campus; and renovating another site to accommodate the population of the district and serve grades TK-8. Their unique approach, which was facilitated and guided by BCA Architects, enabled them to realize substantial rewards and is currently under construction with an anticipated completion date of August 2017.
In addition to Whitmore, the workshop panel was comprised of school district administrators and industry professionals with expertise in this area. These individuals included Dr. Audra Pittman, Ed.D., Superintendent at Bayshore Elementary School District; Hayley Calhoun, Director of Planning & Development at Riverside Unified School District; and Kevin MacQuarrie, AIA, Vice President/Principal at WLC Architects.
View the presentation: 02 21 17 CASH – Risk v Reward